Swift S-1

The Swift S-1 is a single-seat Polish Glider, composite construction that is designed for aerobatics. The Type Certificate No. 397 was issued on 26 September 2003.


It was designed as the successor of the SZD -21 -2b Kobuz 3, which has been banned due to a wing fracture at the World Championships in 1989 for aerobatics. For this reason, a modern successor model had to be created, which should, however, retain the proven design of the Kobuz. The negative form of the wing was easily removed due to time constraints of a carefully leveled and polished Kobuzflügel. Since the right Kobuzflügel but had a slight twist, the first Swift had a marked tendency to roll to the left. To correct they received a bracket edge on the ailerons. After the construction of the 17 series aircraft, the mold was reworked and corrected the error.

The Swift was prepared as the glider aerobatic two-seater MDM -1 Fox by Zakad Remontów i Produkcji Sprzętu Lotniczego. The production of the Swift was discontinued after the 30th aircraft to concentrate the limited production capacity at the Fox. Meanwhile, the mold set was scrapped so that a new production is no longer possible without further notice.

