Swiss Numismatic Society

The Swiss Numismatic Society (SNG ) is the largest numismatic organization in Switzerland, but also includes numerous members abroad. She is recognized as charitable. As a Swiss holding company of an interest in coin and history of people, institutions and organizations she is a member company of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences ( SAHS ).


The Swiss Numismatic Society has existed since its founding in 1879.


The annual Swiss Numismatic Rundschau published quarterly and Swiss coin sheets with contributions in four languages ​​enjoy international reputation.


The monograph series of Swiss studies on numismatics, typos and Swiss Coin catalogs belong to the reference works in their field. They include both Switzerland -related topics as well as all other areas of research of the ancient, medieval and modern numismatics.


Termed " Numismatic days ' meetings of the Swiss Numismatic Society every year at a different location, mostly in Switzerland, but instead repeated also in the neighboring countries. The conference is dedicated to a well-defined branch of numismatics, which is mostly associated with the content of the conference center.

Sources and Links

  • Website of the Swiss Numismatic Society
  • Internet presence of SAHS
  • Numismatic organization
  • Swiss organization
  • Established in 1879