Sybil Werden

If Sybil ( born September 3, 1924 in Berlin, † July 27, 2007 in Munich) was a German actress and dancer.

Life & Career

Will was born in 1924 as the daughter of an engineer. They began in 1946 after training with Tatjana Gsovsky as a solo dancer at the Berlin State Opera. In 1952 she made ​​her film debut with The last recipe. If married in the spring of 1952 the actor and entertainer Harald Juhnke. Daughter Barbara came to the world in 1953, but died two years later. Peer son, who now practiced as a surgeon in Munich, was born in 1956. In the same year, the actress retired from their profession. The couple had divorced in 1962.

Will died in 2007 and was interred in the Forest Cemetery Dahlem, very close Harald Juhnkes.

