
A Synaxarion (Greek Συναξάριον, Latin also Synaxarium ) is a liturgical book that takes place in the Eastern churches use. It lists the liturgical celebrations during the liturgical year. In addition to the calendar - heortologischen notes ( Heortologie the doctrine of clerical holidays ) it includes information on the pericopes, the order of worship and Kurzviten of the saints whose feasts are supposed to be committed. Thus, it corresponds roughly to the martyrology of the Roman Catholic Church.

Probably with the emperor Constantine VII ( 905-959 ) goes back a Synaxarion for the city of Constantinople Opel, which for the entire Chalcedonian orthodoxy became effective later. A historical review of the book was out of Bollandist Hippolyte Delehaye. Another review was received ( the Orthodox liturgical Monatsbuch ) in the Greek Menaion. It was probably translates to about mid-12th century in Constantinople Opel by Russian and Bulgarian clergy into the Old Church Slavonic and supplemented with the Slavic Lives of Saints. Slavic this version is known as Prolog. The Synaxarion is still in the Eastern Churches in use.
