
Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum )

Syzygium is a genus of flowering plants in the myrtle family ( Myrtaceae ). The most common type in Central Europe is the clove tree ( Syzygium aromaticum ). But other species are used, for example, the fruits of the Java apple ( Syzygium samarangense ).

  • 4.1 Notes and references


The Syzygium species are trees, shrubs or subshrubs. The arranged opposite, often only short-stalked leaves have a feathery veining, usually a vein is formed parallel to the leaf margin.

The terminal or axillary, usually zymösen or paniculate inflorescences are three to many flowered, but the flowers can also individually are in the axils. The small, inconspicuous bracts fall off after flowering. The flowers are four - or fünfzählig. The base of the flower is sometimes extended beyond the ovary addition, the base is usually extended to a pseudo- pedicel, which attaches above the bracts. The four or five sepals can fall off early or be resistant. The petals are free or are more or less (especially in the African species ) grow together.

The stamens are usually numerous and conspicuous in some species, they stand on the edge of the flower base. They are free or unclear grouped into four clusters. The filaments are filiform, the anthers with longitudinal slits jump on. The ovary is under constant zweikammerig, rarely three or vierkammerig, the chambers are close to the upper part of the ovary and contain few to many ovules attached in almost shaped little head groups at the central portions of the chambers. The style is filiform and has only a very fine scar.

The fleshy or dry leathery berry contains one or two, rarely more, large seeds. The seed surface is like a membrane until crusty. The cotyledons are fleshy, are usually completely free or partially fused, completely deformed cotyledons are rare. Some species are able to form polyembryonische seeds.


The genus has its main distribution in the tropics and subtropics of the Old World, a few species are located in Australia and New Zealand. Some species have been introduced to America and have run wild there.


Synonyms for Syzygium P.Br ex Gaertn. are: caryophyllus L. not Mill, Cleistocalyx Flower, Jambosa Adans. nom. cons.

For some authors, the species of the genus are Acmena DC. incorporated into this genus.

Types (selection)

There are approximately 500 to 800 Syzygium species. selection:

  • Syzygium acuminatissimum (Blume ) DC.
  • Syzygium aqueum ( Burm. f ) Alston
  • Clove tree ( Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & LM Perry )
  • Syzygium australe ( J.C.Wendl. Ex Link ) B. Hyland
  • Syzygium buxifolium Hook. & Arn.
  • Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels
  • Syzygium cymosum ( Lam.) DC.
  • Syzygium eucalyptoides ( F.Muell. ) B.Hyland
  • Syzygium francisii ( F.M.Bailey ) L.A.S.Johnson
  • Syzygium microphyllum ( Gamble)
  • Syzygium grande ( Wight ) Walp.
  • Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston
  • Syzygium javanicum Miq.
  • Water apple ( Syzygium malaccense ) ( L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Syzygium megacarpum ( Craib ) Rathakrishnan & NC Nair
  • Syzygium nervosum DC.
  • Syzygium oleosum ( F.Muell. ) B.Hyland
  • Syzygium owariense ( P.Beauv. ) Benth.
  • Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn.
  • Syzygium phaeophyllum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Indonesian bay leaf ( Syzygium polyanthum ) ( Wight ) Walp.
  • Syzygium pycnanthum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Java Apple ( Syzygium samarangense (Blume ) Merr. & LMPerry )
  • Syzygium tierneyanum ( F.Muell. ) TGHartley & LMPerry


  • B. Verdcourt: Syzygium. In: Flora of Tropical East Africa, Volume 97, 2001.
  • Jie Chen & Lyn A. Craven: Syzygium in Flora of China, Vol 13, page 335 Description and Chinese species identification key - Online.