
Székkutas is the present name of the eastern Hungarian town Hódmezővásárhelykutasipuszta, the 1954 erschienenem in Hugo Hartung's novel " I often think of Piroshka " and in 1955 completed the same film in the summer of 1923, the scene of a romance between the German student Andreas ( in the movie: Gunnar Möller) and the 17 -year-old Hungarian stationmaster daughter Piroshka Rácz ( in the movie: Liselotte Pulver ) is.

Geographical location

The village is located about 25 km northeast of Hódmezővásárhely in the Great Hungarian Plain. Through the town, the main road runs 47

Hódmezővásárhely | Mártély | Mindszent | Székkutas

46.50542611111120.538204722222Koordinaten: 46 ° 30 'N, 20 ° 32' O

  • Place in Csongrád