TA Luft

The Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft ) is the "First General Administrative Regulation on the Federal Pollution Control " of the German Federal Government. It contains substance-specific emission and immission values ​​, further appropriate measurement methods and calculation procedures are required, in particular the propagation calculation.

The Clean Air Act is aimed at the approval authority for an authorization, industrial and commercial systems and is binding upon them. Based on the general requirements of the Clean Air Act to create the respective authorities customized requirements that must be met by the plant operator. Even existing old systems must within certain transitional periods have reached the level of technology and reduce emissions.

As in Austria, there is no corresponding administrative regulations, the TA used usually air as an interpretation aid of experts, administrative authorities and courts.


The Clean Air Act requires that ( emissions ) limits allowed by the investment approval through the air pollutants transported do not exceed that may lead to injury, for example, pollution limits for

  • Dust Precipitation: 0.35 g / ( m² xd ) in the year
  • Sulfur dioxide: 20 ug / m³ ( in and from 1 October to 31 March)
  • Nitrogen oxides ( expressed as nitrogen ): 30 g / m³ ( in years )
  • Hydrogen fluoride and gaseous, inorganic fluorine compounds (expressed as fluoride ): 0.4 g / m³ ( in )

If exposure values ​​in the TA are not fixed air, at enough clues on which examination is necessary that serious environmental damage may occur. It must be examined whether and to what extent the depositions may ( as a kids play area, residential area, park or recreational facility, industrial or commercial space, as well as arable land or grassland, for example ) can lead to harmful effects on the environment in the current or planned use. The test is for the damage to humans, animals and plants as well as possible damage to food or animal feed. For arable land and grassland, the TA is air evidence of deposition values ​​for arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury and thallium.

Emission requirements

The Clean Air Act contains general emission requirements for certain air pollutants, for example:

  • Total dust, including dust
  • Dust-like inorganic substances
  • Gaseous inorganic substances
  • Organic substances
  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction, and are difficult to degrade, Accumulative and highly toxic organic substances
  • Odorous substances
  • Ground substances harmful to

Apart from the general emission requirements are special requirements designated to certain types of investments:

  • Heat generation, mining, energy
  • Earths and stone, glass, ceramics, building materials
  • Steel, iron and other metals including processing
  • Chemical products, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining and processing
  • Surface treatment with organic substances ( such as printing, painting)
  • Production of sheet materials made ​​of plastics and other processing of resins and plastics
  • Wood, pulp
  • Food, beverages, feed and agricultural products
  • Recovery and disposal of waste and other materials
  • Storage, loading and unloading of substances and preparations

Untying effect for authorities

The binding effect of the Clean Air Act for approval authorities may be repealed if the TA-Luft Committee of the Federal Ministry for the Environment notes that the state of the art has evolved. The committee, composed of representatives of state agencies, industry, academia and environmental organizations, then makes recommendations to the approving authorities for limit setting.

Stricter emission requirements and accordingly advanced techniques are mainly in the fact sheets on best available techniques documented ( BREFs, BAT conclusions ). These are published by the European Commission. The European Member States must ensure that the specified therein emission values ​​are achieved at the latest four years after the publication of the BAT conclusions at the affected plant. This only affects a portion of the regulated in the TA Luft systems: larger and more environmentally relevant plants whose authorization and supervision is regulated in the EC member countries through the industrial emissions directive.
