Tabula cortonensis

The Tabula Cortonensis ( panel of Cortona) is about 2300 years old and "one of the most important written documents of the ancient world." It is the third-longest Etruscan inscription found so far with a length of 32 lines. It was discovered in 1992, but only made accessible to the public in 1999. The bronze plaque in letter size paper had passed an unknown collector years ago the police in the central Italian town of Cortona.

Today, the text is partially deciphered. Accordingly, it is a contract between two powerful family clans from Cortona. Cropland divided into at least 20 heirs ( it is of no purchase or lease the speech ) - Through the document - after 's Pontifical right. More concretely outlined therein only the old part of the family heads and Sceva Cusu. The preservation of their part of property (including their control ) is entrusted primarily religious dignitaries ( the zilaθ meχl rasnal ( Pontifex Maximus ) and the head of the 2- Gods Temple Lake Trasimeno ).

The panel of Cortona has made it possible sian to clarify the interpretation of the word ( a synonym for eiti = house). Some job titles such as Pava and traula can now be interpreted with greater certainty. In this part of the document is the fragmentation into eight parts, of which so far seven have been recovered, as well as their retention prescribed in holy places (according to the rite ).

