
Tachyons ( altgr. ταχύς tachýs 'fast' ) are hypothetical particles that move faster than light. Such particles are called superluminar.

Tachyons as a theoretical possibility

Olexa - Myron Bilaniuk, Deshpande and ECG Sudarshan reported in 1962 indicated that there are multiple solutions to the equations of special relativity ( and independently in the early 1960s and the Soviet physicist Yakov Petrovich Terlezki ). One of them corresponds to the normal matter (physics), which moves with lower speed of light. Another would allow particles are constantly moving faster than light and can never be slowed down to the speed of light. The mere fact that there is this possibility mathematical solution for the equations, however, does not mean that tachyons must also exist real.

For this classification of particles into three classes found Gerald Feinberg (1967 ) following coinages:

Of these, only the name Tachyon has prevailed. With increasing speed of a tachyon loses energy. If the energy to 0, its speed is even infinite ( transcendental state). In Tardyonen (that is the usual elementary particles of non-zero positive rest mass ), however, energy must be added to cause a speed increase.

Properties of tachyons

  • Their velocity is greater than the vacuum speed of light c.
  • Their mass is imaginary. That is, the square of its mass is negative. The following from the energy-momentum relation, if it is assumed that both the energy and the momentum of the particle sizes are real. As a purely imaginary rest mass is previously assigned to any physical correspondence, tachyons may be a mathematical curiosity with no real meaning.
  • An electrically charged tachyon would always encourage a Cherenkov radiation, since the tachyon is always moving at a higher speed than the speed of light of the medium traversed.
  • Unlike under the speed of light particles, in which the events on the world line for each observer are of the same order of time, the time sequence of different events depends on the tachyon world line of the reference system.

Theoretical observation

Could we see tachyons, it is believed that the observer could see them only if they had flown past him. Similar to aircraft that fly faster than sound and overtake her own soundscape, the tachyons move faster than light and thus overtake their optical imaging. Therefore, one would Tachyon after it has flown past one, look twice. Once in the direction in which it is flying, and once in the direction from which it came. Both figures would be removed from the observer.

The picture of the approaching particle might know has a massive variety blue shift; that of the receding redshift.

Existence of tachyons

Through the experimental findings can be tachyons with electric charge rule, since they would be very easily detectable by Cherenkov radiation. Likewise, tachyons can be eliminated with color charge, subject to the strong interaction. However, weakly interacting, or only gravitationally or by acting hypothetical other forces or interacting tachyons can not be excluded from the experimental point of view.


Since the 1980s, some physicists deal with the hypothesis that neutrinos are tachyons. One way to prove or disprove this theory, is the direct mass determination, eg, by measuring the endpoint energy during tritium decay. People used to measure seemingly negative mass squares in the tritium -decay experiments. This could be attributed to a ( hitherto unnoticed ) surface effect of the detector crystal.

The observation of neutrino oscillations indicates that neutrinos have a nonzero mass. This means that they move slower than the speed of light and can therefore be no tachyons.

Tachyons and String Theory

In string theory there are many models that contain tachyons. However, most professional scientists are of the opinion that the few remaining models are recommended just by the absence of tachyons as candidates for the physically accurate model.

Consequences of declining time

If interactions between the tachyon and the Tardyonen could be detected, which would mean that messages from the future could be transmitted in the past. Zeitparadoxa would be the consequences, such as by a hypothetical anti phone.

Tachyons in esoteric and commercial applications

On the Internet, many esoteric products are advertised and marketed commercially, (also called partial " primal energy " ) with the alleged " tachyon energy " are interspersed in an unknown way and should have a positive impact on the support ( see Tachyon treatment). Until now, such claims could not be scientifically confirmed.
