Tadeusz Michejda

Tadeusz Michejda ( born September 26, 1879 in Návsí u Jablunkova, Austria - Hungary, † April 18, 1956 in Warsaw, Poland) was a Polish physician and politician.


Tadeusz Michejda was the son of Franciszek Michejda, a Lutheran pastor. He attended the State School in Cieszyn, finished school with from middle school and studied medicine at the universities of Krakow and Vienna. After graduation, he worked in Vienna and then in Horni Sucha local doctor.

After the First World War he was a member of the National Council of the Duchy of Teschen and worked on the preparation of a referendum. The Duchy of Teschen was divided in two between Poland and the Czechoslovak Republic. Michejdas remained only in the Czechoslovak Republic, but then went to Poland, where he worked for a long time in various places as a doctor. He died in Warsaw and was buried in Krakow.

Political career

Tadeusz Michejda was from 1930-1935 Senator of the National Workers Party Polish National partia Robotnicza. After the Second World War, he was from 1947 to 1951 a member of parliament and held the post of Minister of Health from 1951 to 1952 as well as a ministerial post in the same period without resort. 1946 to 1950 he was chairman of the conformist to the Block Party Stronnictwo Pracy.

In addition to his party's Political and Parliamentary work, he was vice president of the Red Cross.
