Tagetes minuta

Tagetes minuta

Tagetes minuta is a species of the genus Tagetes in the sunflower family ( Asteraceae). She is from Peru, there is a popular culinary herb and an integral part of Peruvian cuisine where it is known Huacatay.


Tagetes minuta growing as annual herbaceous plant, reaching heights of growth of up to 1.2 meters. It has smooth, multi-part leaves with fine Randzähnung. The small flower heads contain yellow flowers. The achenes are black and elongated.


The plant prefers a sunny, sandy and well-drained sites. Under favorable conditions, they can proliferate spontaneously and spread as a weed because the roots secrete a secretion that prevents the growth of nematodes and certain other plants.


The Huacatay is to marinate meat dishes and for making cheese sauces, such as the Ocopa from the southern Peruvian region of Arequipa used.

Together with Chincho Huacatay is a spice in Pachamanca, the traditional feast of the Andean people are in which meat, potatoes and other vegetables cooked in a hot stone heated, covered with soil and blankets supplied hole in the ground.

To prepare the sauce Huacatay only the fresh, hand plucked, freed from the stalks, individual sheets are used. The leaves can be cooked in a blender with oil, chili and other spices to a pesto - mass or with cream cheese, milk and possibly peanuts. Dry leaves almost completely lose their characteristic flavor.

For meat dishes with a branch is put in the pot and removed after cooking. Huacatay is very economical and a branch with 6-8 leaves enough for 6 to 8 servings sauce or meat portions.

Due to its strong fragrance, the effects of Huacatay are currently being investigated as insect repellent.
