Takikomi gohan

Takikomi gohan (Japanese炊き込み ご飯) is a rice dish of Japanese cuisine that is eaten as a main dish. Translated into German Takikomi means " cooked up " and gohan means " rice ".

To prepare the rice along with various interchangeable ingredients such as vegetables, potatoes, chicken, fish, oysters, meat or mushrooms cooked in fish water with soy sauce. The ingredients are mainly chosen seasonal, so a Takikomi is gohan in the summer like with green beans or fresh soybeans in spring with bamboo shoots, prepared in autumn with mushrooms and chestnuts or in winter with oysters.

The Court has in the different regions peculiarities, so the rice is cooked with a whole fish in western Japan. This modification is called depending on the used fish tai meshi or ayu - meshi. Other variations are called, for example, Go- moku gohan gohan or Mame. This Japanese home dish is especially popular with children and therefore is often cooked in Japanese households.

