
Takuan (Japanese沢 庵) is a traditional pickled radish from the Japanese kitchen.

Takuan is a popular type of Tsukemono, Japanese-style pickled vegetables. It is made from Daikon, a white radish and sliced ​​served with many meals or cut into strips used for maki sushi. In Japanese cooking him a digestive effect is attributed.

For the production of Takuan Daikon is first dried for a few weeks in the sun until it has become soft and pliable. Then the Radishes on the whole are stacked in a wooden Einmachgefäß with salt and a Mus from rice bran ( Nukamiso ). The vessel is covered with dried radish leaves and loaded with a weight. After about six months the fermentation process has been completed and the radish was obtained a yellow color. In the industrial production, the color is often achieved by addition of turmeric and artificial colorants.

  • Japanese Cuisine
  • Vegetable dish