Talbach (Ablach)


The Talbach, once wrote (1871 and 1878 ) Thalbach, is an approximately one kilometer- long orographic right tributary of the Ablach and, through this, a tributary of the Danube. Its source is the area south of Goeggingen, in the municipality of Krauchenwies in Won "valley". From the Talbachquelle at 617 m above sea level. NN it flows in a northerly direction at first and later by residential village stream called by the place still within the built-up area of 587 m above sea level. NN to open into the Ablach.

The Talbachquelle has its catchment area further south in Won " Kopp pond " ( " in Koppetey " 1611), a gently sloping incision in a moraine landscape of crack cold period. Other than indicated by the name, the word is part of the pond is not for the identical pond, but in the Swabian for each well in the field, without necessarily water is present. Koppen possibly stands for the name of the field owner Kopp. After passing through a weakly developed humus layer here through the rainfall as the leachate a water permeable layer of Pfohsand to soon to take on a water-impermeable layer of clay. An overlying gravel layer with disseminated Nagelfluh carries the water to the Won " valley " where he takes back to the surface in several small and large sources.

The Talbach to 1951 was conducted as an open village stream through the place where his water fed two wells. After his Verdolung in the middle and lower reaches today only the upper reaches from the source runs above ground.

In 1925, the waters of the Talbachs in Won "valley" was (47 ° 59 ' 53 "N, 9 ° 11' 50 " O47.9981666666679.19725 ) taken for the water supply of the then independent municipality Goeggingen by building a well house. 1939, a water tank was on the road " in apprenticeship " built and supplied with water from this version. In the 1960s, the line was enlarged in cross section. The water intake was in periods of low water flow around seven hectoliters.
