Tame animal

Taming refers to the adaptation of the behavior of wild animals to the needs of the people. Part of taming that the animals confidence in the people's ears, lose fear and flight reflex and the people do not attack or injure and take other wild behaviors. The domestication of animals is not the same as dressage, so the further training of the animal, or domestication.

Domestication is also used as a synonym for reassurance and for example used in a figurative sense, to rivers and people. Historically taming was used until well into modern times also for grown plants.


In most cases, wild animals are captured first. For a taming trust must be established. In order to fit into human life the recognition of the human part as an authority figure. Horses are ridden at the moment. Taming is often equated with the violent subjugation of animals, but much more effective is a non-violent taming.

Expiration of the Shrew

The trapped animal must first be housed humanely, to be supplied with food and water. Then the animal requires a certain period of time to come to rest and get used to the new environment. The man should be slow and cautious contact the animal. The first contact should not be much more than observation and close to the animal. If it is a tomboy, the animal may react very fearful or aggressive to the presence of man. It is hardly an animal possible to feel anxiety over many hours or show aggressive behavior. If it notices that the man is not threatening in its vicinity, it will settle down with time. Then the animal in a calm voice can be addressed so that it gets used to the human voice.

The next step is getting used to the human scent. For this, you should give the animal a worn garment, where it can smell. This is particularly important in most mammals, while the smell of the people is more important for some birds or reptiles. If it is a very young, harmless animal, you can take it out from his new abode and get used to the arm at the human scent. One should make sure that you do not get overwhelmed the animal in this first physical contact.

Most adult animals can injure a person, even if they are only as big as mice. Therefore, one should be very careful when first body contact with them and once to offer them the back of the hand closed fist to sniff. In a finger can be an animal bite much easier than in the closed fist. Many animals can be satisfied that the person is friendly disposed towards them with food. When the animal has taken to trust people and it reacts neither timid nor aggressive at the touch of the people who domestication is considered complete.

Charmable and untamable animals

Almost all animals are tamed, if they have sufficient brain capacity and are able to learn. For example, jellyfish or insects are not considered to be tamed. In mammals, only a few as untamable, or very difficult to tame, like the zebra apply. However, zebras are a breeze with a lot of patience. This does not mean that you zebras directly after taming can also ride. It just means that they tolerate contact with the people and show no aggression or fear.

Reptiles are considered untamable, even though they get used to the touch of the people and accept this contact. However, reptiles are not cuddly animals and often react with stress on too much close to the people. Reptiles can suddenly attack despite years of habituation to humans.

Example horses

Young man drawn horses are used in most cases to people and must therefore not be tamed, but are broken in normal world. Wild horses, for example Dülmener wild horses are tamed gradually in Europe by slow habituation and then rode as young horses. This process is relatively slow. In the U.S., however, Mustangs, to save time, broken by force and ridden. First introduced by Monty Roberts Join Up has been accepted in the United States as a new method, since it leads even faster to the goal than breaking.


Occasionally domestication is also applied to human relationships, such as by William Shakespeare in his play " The Taming of the Shrew " ( 1594 ). Again, this is, among other things, the approach to life circumstances and rhythm of a person. In the fable " The Little Prince" (1943 ) by Antoine de Saint- Exupery asks the fox to the prince to tame him, to love him to learn.


The sample images show the taming of a wild squirrel in different phases. You can see the total tension of the body on the first image, the trusting approach to the second image and the relaxed eating out of his hand on the third picture. In the fourth picture, the squirrel eats several weeks later from his hand and can be grabbed.
