
IUCN Category II - National Park

Satellietfoto Tankwa Karoo National Park

The Tankwa ( Tanqua ) Karoo National Park is located in the province of Northern Cape in South Africa, on the border with the province of Western Cape.

It is located in one of the driest areas of the Succulent Karoo with 80 mm of annual rainfall. However, from even this small amount to coat in the spring after the winter rains, some parts of the park with a carpet of blooming succulents.

The park is located in an altitude of 378 - 1274 m, the average altitude is 450-650 m. The higher parts can be found in the easternmost area of the Roggeveldbergen. The minimum temperature is 5.7 ° C (July, winter), and the maximum temperature is 38.9 ° C ( January summer).

For over 1500 years the area has been used sporadically by nomads with their cattle. The European Buren the northward of the Cape Peninsula in the 18th century here, the grazing areas used intensively. The extremely dry summer prevented, however, even as wells continuously delivered water, extensive use.

The park, with its 137,000 hectares ( ha) in 1986 was proclaimed with a size of only 26,000 ha, but is still under construction ( ie, conversion of pasture land to its original state ) and provides virtually no tourist infrastructure. Prior to the arrival (eg: 100 km north of Ceres or south of Calvinia ) should 27341-2389 seek at the park headquarters at 27 (0 ) the authorization for the visit and find out about current road conditions. Sufficient supplies of fuel and water need to bring the visitors themselves.

Annually in the multi-day art and music festival Africa Burns in April Tankwa Karoo National Park.


At mammal species found in the park:

African wild cat ( Felis lybica ), Bush hare ( Lepus saxatilis ), aardvark ( Orycteropus afer), meerkats (Suricata suricatta), Aardwolf ( Proteles cristatus), Mongoose ( Cynictis penicillata ), genet ( Genetta genetta ) Goldmull ( Chrysochloris asiatica ), Large Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros ), en: Malacothrix typica (s: Gerbil mouse, af: bakoormuis ) ( Malacothrix typica ), honey badger ( Mellivora capensis ), Kapfuchs (Vulpes chama ), Cape hare (Lepus capensis ), Caracal ( Caracal caracal ), hyrax ( Procavia capensis ), klipspringer ( oreotragus oreotragus ), duiker ( Sylvicapra grimmia ), leopard (Panthera pardus ), bat-eared fox ( Otocyon megalotis ), baboon (Papio cynocephalus ursinus ), black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas ), Springbok ( Antidorcas marsupialis ), porcupine ( Hystrix africaeaustralis ) steenbok ( Raphicerus campestris ), striped mouse ( Rhabdomys pumilio ), Zorilla ( Ictonyx striatus).


At succulents are found in the park:

Aridaria noctiflora, Aridaria splendens, Brownanthus ciliatus, Cephalophyllum namaquanum, Cheiridopsis acuminata, codon royenii, Crassula barbata, Crassula deltoidea, Crassula muscosa, subaphylla Crassula, Crassula umbella, Cyrtanthus herrei, Drosanthemum archeri, Drosanthemum eburneum, Drosanthemum hispidum, Drosanthemum liquid, Drosanthemum subcompressum, Drosanthemum wittenbergense, Drosanthemum wittenbergensis, decussata Euphorbia, Euphorbia hamata, mauritanicum Euphorbia, Euphorbia restituta, Haworthia arachnoid membrane Hereroa fimbriata, Hoodia bainii, Lampranthus diffusus, Leipoldtia constricta, Leipoldtia schultzei, Malephora luteola, Mesembryanthemum pachypus, Othonna arbuscula, Pelargonium crithmifolium, Phyllobolus species, Psilocaulon absimile, Psilocaulon pageae, Psilocaulon utile, Ruschia herrei, Ruschia karooica, Ruschia robusta, Ruschia spinosa, Ruschia wittenbergensis, Sarcocaulon crassicaule, Sarcocaulon salmoniflorum, Sceletium emarcidium, Stapelia species, Tylecodon reticularis, Tylecodon wallichii, Zygophyllum species.

At geophytes are found:

Albuca cooperi, Androcymbium capense, Bulbine alooides, Cyanella hyacinthoides, Dipcadi brevifolium, Gethyllis verticillata, Lachenalia mutabilis, Lachenalia anguinea, Lapeirousia arenicola, Lapeirousia pyramidalis, Moraea speciosa, apertum Ornithogalum, Ornithogalum xanthochlorum.
