
The Tardenoisian is an archaeological culture of Spätmesolithikums in Europe from about 6000-5000 BC The term was introduced in 1885 by Gabriel de Mortillet, after the northern French landscape Tardenois in Aisne (France). In addition to the landscape area Tardenois the culture was widespread in the northeast neighboring Belgium. While the Tardenoisian was originally used as a synonym of the younger Mesolithic for the whole of Central Europe, which is now only regionally the case. Commonly, the term is also more recently still in the early history of Bavaria. It is to parallelize ( Beuronian in southern Germany ) approximately with the Spätmesolithikum in Central Europe, with a continuation to the early Neolithic.

Material Culture

Characterized by geometric microliths is Tardenoisian the first simple tips with basic retouching ( " Tardenois - tips " ), as well as by Dreiecksmikrolithen. In the later section of trapezoidal tips and harpoons of stag's antlers are common.
