
A tariff is a contract or a contract amendment with a collection of fixed terms for the provision of services under a contractual legal service contract. The contract terms are then called tariff if they are offered unilaterally by one employer or provider many potential contractors.

Tariffs are available for particular services are not independently moving ( collective agreement for wage bargaining, collective salary, house deal, frame rate). Tariffs are applied mainly for achievements of individuals and for performance of companies.

For the purchase of goods by the law on the purchase contract and contracts for work with defined success of the term is not used, however, for the temporary rental of a purchase object. Authorities set tariffs for their services also determined, however, the name is usually no collateral value, but at best relate to the issuance of an official document. Therefore, authorities tariffs merely describe taxes, fees or monthly charges.

The word tariff comes from the Arabic, it means notice, price list ( to Arab ' arrafa, advertising ). It has been used in Arabic especially in tariffs, and the town of Tarifa, therefore, has its name because it is right on the Straits of Gibraltar and had to use the strait crossing skipper there for passing pay a fee. On the way across the Italian and the French collective tariffa it came as a loan word in the German language.

Examples of rates:

  • Work rate (see also collective agreement )
  • Mobile tariff
  • Call- by-call tariff
  • Transportation tariff ( in train, bus, ferry and ship lines, taxis, etc.)
  • Tax rate
  • Insurance tariff