Tarso Toh

Satellite image of Tarso Toh volcanic field

The volcanic field Tarso Toh located in the north of the Republic of Chad, in the northwest of the Tibesti Mountains at an altitude of 2000 meters.

The volcanic field was at the limit of the Pleistocene to the Holocene, and includes 150 cinder cones and maars 2. It is called active because studies of sediments in Begour Maar have shown an age of 8300 ± 300 years. The well-worn basalt flows of the Tarso Toh - volcanic field cover an area of 80 km in east-west and 20-30 km in north-south direction north of the Tarso Toussidé, and flooded plains and mountain valleys filled up. The mountain base in these basalts is in the western part of Precambrian schists and in the eastern part of sandstones from the age of the Earth of the Paleozoic.


  • Tarso Toh the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution (English)
  • Mountain in Africa
  • Mountain in Chad
  • Zweitausender
  • Volcanic area
  • Geology of Africa
  • Tibesti region