Tash Aw

Tash Aw (欧 大 旭; actually: Aw Ta - Shi ) (born 1971 ) is a writer malaysischstämmiger with current residence in London. He became famous for his 2005 published in the original English first novel, " The Harmony Silk Factory", German title " The Silk Factory to the beautiful harmony." The novel is set in the 30s and 40s in Malaysia in view of the by British colonial rule, Japanese occupation and communist guerrilla dominated history of Malaysia. In May 2009 he released his second album "Map of the Invisible World," the German edition entitled "Atlas of the Invisible World " was released in September 2009 in paperback. Cross-cutting theme are the results from the Dutch domination of Indonesia ( revolutionary ) movements that Tash Aw mediated by the development of complex personal relationships.

Curriculum vitae

Tash Aw was born in 1971 as a child Malaysian parents in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. At the age of two, he moved with his parents back to Malaysia, where he grew up in the capital Kuala Lumpur. As a teenager he moved to Britain, where he later studied law at Cambridge and Warwick. After graduating, he worked among others several years as a lawyer. During this time he began work on his debut, which he finished during a course in " creative writing " at the University of East Anglia. His novel has been in 20 languages ​​(including German ) translated and has won several awards. According to newspaper reports in Malaysia the work brought a £ 500,000, but this was not confirmed by the author himself. He would after fees such as support and international dissemination of the book the most successful Malaysian writers in recent years.
