Task force

Task Force (TF; . Engl Task Force) or Task Force is an original military designation for a temporary amalgamation of various units of the U.S. Navy and dates from the time of the Second World War. A task force is put together to carry out a particular contract.

In German-speaking countries can be found next task force, the terms battle group, task force or task force.

The term task force is supplemented usually by an additive which can consist of numbers or terms. This nomenclature is used not only to distinguish similar TFs, but are often also provide information on the use of space is used, for example, the name of the station location, or the parent operation, under which the TF is used.

If a TF from a mixture of sub-units of various branches of the armed forces (land, air and naval forces ) so it is called a Joint Task Force or joint armed forces task force.

A TF usually has a size of battalion - to brigade strength and can exist within the framework of international operations also from sub-units of different nations.

Various task forces (selection)
