Tawang language

Spoken in

Sino Tibetan languages

  • Tibetobirmanisch Bodisch Takpa


Sit ( other Sino Tibetan languages)

Takpa or Moinba is a Sino Tibetan language, which is spoken by about 80,000 speakers in India and Tibet. Takpa ( Moinba ) forms after Thurgood 2003, a subunit of bodischen subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman languages ​​, one of the two primary branches of Sino Tibetan, and is closely related to the Tibetan languages. Some researchers consider Takpa as an Eastern Tibetan language (eg, van Driem 2001, referred to there as Dakpa ). In Ethnologue Takpa is classified under the name Moinba as Kiranti language; this assignment is no longer valid according to the current state of research.

Alternate Name

For Takpa there is a whole group of alternative names that make it difficult to part identification or confusion - especially with the Tshangla - abet. Among them are Dakpa, Moinba, Cuona Moinba, North Monpa, Moinpa, Monba, Momba, Mompa, Menba, Menpa and others.

Geographic distribution and dialects

In India Takpa or Moinba is in Arunachal Pradesh spoken in the districts of Tawang and Kameng of about 45,000 people in Tibet from 35,000 at the Yarlung Tsangpo ( Brahmaputra ) in the Medog, Nyinchi and Cuona. The Takpa and Tshangla spokesman in China together form the Minority Nationality of Monba.

Takpa has in Tibet dialects Cuona North and South Cuona, in Arunachal Pradesh Matchopa Nagnoo ( But), Sangla ( Dirang ), Kalaktang and Monkit ( Tawang ). The also listed as dialects in Ethnologue Chuk and Lish belong to a different subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman.

Linguistic Features

Like almost all Tibeto-Burman languages ​​has also Takpa the word order SOV ( subject-object - verb). The noun is before his qualifying terms such as genitive attribute, adjective attribute and number of adjectives. Takpa is in contrast to many other languages ​​bodischen a tonal language, the northern dialects have two, the four southern meaning-differentiating sounds.
