TBE buffer

TBE buffer is the acronym for Tris-borate - EDTA buffer according to one of its components

  • TRIS (Tris (hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane )
  • Borate ( boric acid anion ) and
  • EDTA ( ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)

Named buffer mixture. TBE buffer, inter alia, used in agarose gel electrophoresis. The concentration of the buffer used by the laboratory varied to the laboratory. As a rule, come 0.5X TBE or 1X concentrated for use.


For the production of TBE - buffer ( 1X ), pH 8.0, for example, be

With distilled ( demineralized ) water filled up to 1000 ml.


Alternatives include, for example, the TAE buffer, and the LB buffer.
