
The teasing was originally a rite of passage, is derived from " to the Hanseatic community to record " from. After the dissolution of the Hanseatic it meant colloquially today to raise someone or to mock.

The rite is part of a ceremony that has survived all the time adjustments in spite of, though not in the prehistoric form with Schifferstechen and bloody human sacrifices, not in those of the Hanseatic period, but - according to civilized customs - as coarse -friendly fun, umstilisiert to Gaudi, today line Baptism called or crossing ceremony.

The word goes on Lufthansa, hanse, back, the first band, quantity and meant, trade alliance is commonly referred to as the Hanseatic League in the importance of the trading company.

Teasing meant to be, later commonly added to such a society in a closed community. The absorption and thus the granting of rights of the Federation put two conditions: one is the payment of a certain sum of money, or the Hänse Hense, on the other hand the existence of hard tests of courage. Both the payment and the Tested Will, was formerly hänsen or hensen Low German, hansen later, fools and hinseln. Finally, spread the Low German tease in High German.

The test of courage originated in the customs of the ancients, as one in cultic festivals the grown-up young men dedicated or baptized and recorded in the league of men, when they had proved power, fearlessness and hardness and so could guarantee the interests of their tribe to true or people.

In the German -speaking region, the teasing came in the foreign trading posts of the German Hanseatic League special flower. About one of the four trade centers of the Hanseatic abroad, the notorious also for its dramatic Hansel practices main Comptoir in Bergen - the Tyske Brygge, in 1350 occupied about three thousand young merchants, sailors and craftsmen - one writes:

Under raw men customs suffered most from the Nykamer, the newcomers: They shaved with large knives, let her huge pills to swallow, empty the Hanseatic mug with bad fluid, she hung in a bag over the fire in the smoke, she threw in a swamp and bathed them in icy water. They had to go through tests in which they are often the neck and back cracked, and the nose and mouth bleeding, what they had to endure everything without complaint.

Custom and name spread and got up to recent times, although the Standhaftigkeitsbeweise favor of satisfying material aspirations of the community came more and more into the background. Even in the 19th century had to newcomers of diverse origin, servants, farmers and artisans, and many others tease spend by paying carouse or at least some rounds of beer for the old hands / Hansen. Who does not shopped in this way in the company, had to reckon with disrespect and bawdy jokes: He teases hett not yet possible. During this time, the word was teasing the meaning fool. Today, the original meaning of the word tease is nearly forgotten, however, is the custom to give his debut, still widely used.

The custom of young people and newcomers abzuverlangen memories of their courage and fortitude, there were of course also on board, there are many reports about it. One operational him though in a different way, but as the name of the custom of Hansen was known, was the word tease in the language of the German sailor. The teasing also had the objective to start someone in the community, but even more it was - similar to the original meaning - a test of courage that had to pass before the entire crew of the newcomer. You should confirm that the candidate could face the dangers of a sea area still unknown to him and to show them that the newcomers were able to meet these mentally and physically. The essential goods, even if all sorts of harmless and crude jokes framed the whole, the more or less voluntary jumps of often more than 15 meters in height - from the nock of the main yard - in the lake. This was also called the diving, later baptisms. And the sea and the sea baptism, the line or crossing ceremony has its spiritual origin here. In this respect, the teasing is actually related to the baptisms. Albeit in a modified form

In the second half of the 19th century the baptisms increasingly focused on the passage of the line, the special event of the first arrival in the southern hemisphere, and there was the term baptism line - commonly crossing ceremony. The plot took a solemn and comical character: The sea god Neptune presided, colorful rigged, and made- followers - Actuary, astronomer, court barber and court preacher - in its wake.
