
Tegmina ( singular tegmen or the tegmentum, lat ceiling, dome of tegere cover ) are wholly or partially thickened ( chitinisierten ), enhanced ( sclerotized ) and pigmented top wings of insects always still show a distinct venation. These veins is derived from the tracheae and gives the wings in addition stability.

Tegmina are key components in stick insects ( Phasmatodea ), cockroaches ( Blattodea ), Short ( caelifera ) and long horned crickets ( Ensifera ) to find.

To be distinguished, they are can be found from the more sclerotized and always loose vein elytra, elytra a type of any of these beetles ( Coleoptera).

For function, shape, size and location in the flight deck see wings.


  • Christoph Seiler, Sven Bradler, Rainer Koch: Phasmids - care and breeding of leaf insects, stick insects and leaves wanderers in the terrarium. bede, Ruhmannsfelden 2000, ISBN 3-933646-89-8
  • K. Günther, H.-J. Hannemann, F. Hieke, E. Königsmann & H. Schuman: Urania animal kingdom - insects. Urania -Verlag, Leipzig, Jena, 1994, ISBN 3-332-00498-0
  • Michael Chinery: Pareys book of insects, Stuttgart 2004, cosmos. ISBN 3-440-09969-5
  • Entomology
  • Anatomy (eddy lots)