Tehching Hsieh

Tehching ( Sam ) Hsieh (谢德庆) ( born December 31, 1950 in Nan- Chou in Taiwan) is a performance artist who was best known for his long-term performances.


In 1967 he left school to begin his artistic career by painting. 1970 - 1973 he did military service. Shortly after, he had his first exhibition, the painting but did not pursue, but instead began with performance art. After he trained to become a sailor, he emigrated in 1974 to the United States. After holding various positions he now lives in New York, he is an American citizen since 1988.

He became known among other things for its One Year Performances. Although the works come to mind inevitably of sadhus, Carr quotes the artist, Hsieh feels misunderstood, his artwork was not ascetic training.


  • One Year Performance 1978-1979 ( Cage Piece )

In this performance, he locked himself for one year in a cage. He could not speak or read or listen to the radio. A friend provided him with the basic necessities. Once or twice per month visitors were allowed.

  • One Year Performance 1980-1981 ( Time Clock Piece )

This action was that he should be a year long once per hour to operate a time clock and thereby take a photo. I put him in a kind of delirium, the associated sleep deprivation. In retrospect, the work had led him to the realization that "wasting time is my concept of life [ ... ] Living is nothing but consuming time until you die. "

  • One Year Performance 1981-1982 (Outdoor Piece )

Hsieh spent a year in the open air, he was not allowed to enter buildings still in a covered place (car, train, etc.) reside.

  • Art / Life: One Year Performance 1983-1984 ( Rope Piece )

In this performance, he was associated for one year with the artist Linda Montano by a rope, but the two were not allowed to touch each other. Montano said of the campaign: ". It was a chance for the mind to practice paying attention, a way to stay in the moment". During this time he also met Marina Abramović who says of him " He Has Made the most radical performances in the world, and nobody has done it longer or better than he has"

  • One Year Performance 1985-1986 (No Art Piece )


  • One Year Performance 1978 -1979, posters