Telephone numbers in Romania

The telephone prefix codes in Romania are organized and awarded by the Autoritatea Naţională pentru Comunicaţii ( ANC). There are regulations and directives on the award of number ranges. The responsibility for the allocation and use of numbers within the area codes is then up to the corresponding network operators (for regional primaries is usually the Romtelecom in mobile primaries of the corresponding operators, etc.).

For the notation of the numbers in Romania there are no statutory provisions, however, recommends the application of DIN 5008 Learn more about this phone number below. Notation.


The selection of a Romanian phone number from abroad is done as follows:

The selection within the country can always be done like this:

The usual operator prefix is 2 ( Romtelecom ). Most private providers use for the number 3

The code is the code of a place, cellular or other types of network.

Area Codes

The Romanian telephone area codes are based on the national division into circles.
