Tell (Poker)

As Tell ( engl. tell ) refers to the apparent change in the behavior of a poker player, the conclusions on its assessment of his maps allowed. Experienced poker players can use this tells as Bluff to mislead by deliberate actions or acting skills the opponents. The counterpart to this is called a poker face.

The Tells several categories are distinguished by authors of poker manuals:

Live Tells

A Tell, as contrary to the poker face, can be expressed in different ways, for example, in a physical reaction of the game player on the cards. Tell A is used to "read" the or the other poker players, ie to guess his cards and to recognize his style of play. Detecting are live Tells especially on the following features:

Eyes and facial expressions

Each player's eyes are often used as a reference point. That's one of the reasons why poker players often wear sunglasses. It is also said that several times and long looking at the cards for a bad hand is. If a flop of a game card color and a player checks his starting hand, it probably has only a map of the color. It is also considered striking a player after new cards have a brief look at his chips throws ( a sign that he just drew good cards and will increase the same) or whether the player's opponent look at them directly ( considered as Bluff indication ) or looks away. Often, a player also fixed the card that is of use to him, more than the others.

Verbal behavior

Another Tell arises from the verbal behavior. Many players seem uninterested or bored and distracted when they have good cards in front of him. They play very slowly and put an unsafe way of playing on the day, waiting, for example, long before they make their bets.

Nervousness and general well-being

Trembling hands are especially for players with little chips a clear indication of good cards, because this game situation can be crucial for the player. More tells this category may include:

  • Drumming on the table
  • General mood ( good spirits comes from good cards )
  • Sweating, rapid pulse at the carotid artery ( therefore bear some players Hoodie )


Also from other behavioral characteristics during the game can be supposed to draw conclusions about the opponent draw cards. So may be evidence of values ​​of the cards, or attempt a bluff about all the gestures, posture, type of Chipstapelns or the brief breath holding.

Online Tells

Also in the Internet Poker Tells there, they have lot to do with the speed of decisions. Usually fast Callen is a tick in the box "Call Any" and points to a draw. From the flop percentage can draw conclusions as "loose " is the table. There are chat boxes here, can be drawn from the speech conclusions as in the live game. Another indication of a strong hand can be the extremely long wait of a player, followed by a strong increase. With this so-called reverse -Tell it could try to convey a weak hand, or that it took a long time for his decision because he was not sure whether his hand was strong enough.

Setting behavior

The settling behavior of a player, in the literature also called betting patterns, is considered one of the most important evidence of his hand at all. So some players eg increase only their starting hand, if they have a high pair. Thus one can exclude the same few hands with them. The settling behavior is sometimes listed under " tells", but in some forms of poker authors counselors own category.
