Tempo#Beats per minute

The tempo of a piece of music can be specified in the unit beats per minute ( bpm abbreviated or BPM). "Beats per minute" stands for " beats per minute ", an alternative name for the measure is " Mälzel metronome " (abbreviated MM). This refers to the number of beats or stressed beats per minute. Counting times generally correspond to quarter notes (with bars such as 4 /4, 3 /4, 2 /4), in composite bars (6/ 8, 9 /8, 12/8 ) are usually three-eighths ( a dotted quarter note) as a beat together. As frequency specification corresponds to a bpm 1/60 Hz

  • 2.1 Water
  • 2.2 Medicine

Music and dance

The designation beats per minute was popular in the disco time and place today in general, especially in the dance or electronic dance music use. Because she is no different from the MM- tempo markings, they can also be measured electronically with a conventional metronome, however. Because normal bodily functions of a man run at 72 beats per minute, these are considered standard for the question of whether the frequency of the beats seem more stimulant or calming the recipient per minute. Tempos with high frequency ( 72 bpm ) acting stimulant, is less than 72 bpm, however reassuring.

Hip Hop tempos typically has between 70 and 120 bpm, while House is faster with 110 to 140 bpm. It is even faster at the Jungle site with 140 to 190 bpm, while Gabber tempos reach over 200 bpm and Speedcore Speed ​​Metal and even up to 300 bpm, which corresponds to 5 beats per second. These typical values ​​are not to be taken as absolute and defining the style information.

In dance, sports and tempo markings are as the number of cycles per minute standard ( denoted by MPM, measures per minute, in German also TPM, strokes per minute, often simply with beats). They are derived from the corresponding bpm numbers by dividing this by the number of beats per measure. For example, yields a value of 200 bpm with a 4 /4 beat 50 beats per minute.

Usual BPM various electronic music genres

Classical music

In classical music, the scale is divided more finely. A distinction ( from slow to fast):

  • Larghissimo - very, very slow ( 20 bpm and below)
  • Grave - slow and solemn (20-40 bpm )
  • Lento - slow ( 40-60 bpm )
  • Largo - slowly (40-60 bpm )
  • Larghetto - rather slowly ( 60-66 bpm )
  • Adagio - slow and stately (literally, " at ease" ) ( 66-76 bpm )
  • Adagietto - rather slow (70-80 bpm )
  • Andante moderato - a bit slower than andante
  • Andante - at a walking pace ( 76-108 bpm )
  • Andantino - slightly faster than andante (in some cases it may be a bit slower than andante mean )
  • Moderato - moderately ( 108-120 bpm )
  • Marcia Moderato - moderate, in the manner of a march
  • Allegretto - moderately fast ( but slower than Allegro moderato )
  • Allegro moderato - moderately quick ( 112-124 bpm )
  • Allegro - fast, quickly and bright ( 120-168 bpm )
  • Vivace - lively and fast ( ≈ 140 bpm ) ( quicker than allegro )
  • Vivacissimo - very fast and lively
  • Allegrissimo - very fast
  • Presto - very fast ( 168-200 bpm )
  • Prestissimo - extremely fast ( more than 200bpm )

Shock duration

Calculation of the impact duration for a quarter note at tempo in beats per minute:

For example:

Non - musical meanings


Canoeing in the number of paddle strokes per minute is (also called strokes ) indicator of the rapidity of the motion sequence, as in rowing.


In English is also used in connection with the medically measured pulse beats per minute. Here, too, the same unit after Mälzel is used which is identical to the musical measure MM.
