Tensho (kata)

Tenshō (Japanese転 掌) is a kata in the Goju - Ryu Karate. It comes from Chojun Miyagi, after his investigation of the roots of Goju - Ryu in southern China. Translated, Tenshō Rotating hands or six forms. Tensho is after Miyagi travel in the southern Chinese city of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, emerged. In the development, Miyagi oriented particularly to the Chinese Kata Tao Rokishu. Also Tenshō contains essential elements of the Goju - Ryu. As opposed to the Harten (Japanese gō ) in Sanchin practicing in Tenshō especially the soft (Japanese jū ).

In addition, you learn in Tenshō to concentrate his force over a rather long running breathing. Beginners might get in trouble for this kata with the circuit. Dizziness are the result, can be obtained by breathing exercises but avoid. Among other things, it must be ensured that the arm movements with a body not much room will be used. The scenery of the arms takes place rather in a " narrow corridor ".

The two kata Sanchin and Tenshō complement each other and together form a pair that covers the basic characteristics of the Goju - Ryu. Nevertheless, the Sanchin of the Tenshō differs in that the Kata Tenshō is performed with a relaxed body, while the Sanchin requires a strong body tension and control.
