Teresa Margolles

Teresa Margolles ( born 1963 in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico) is a Mexican artist who especially made ​​a name for themselves through their confrontation with death. The studied communication studies also has a diploma in forensic medicine. In her work, Margolles commonly used materials derived from cadavers or have come into contact with them, such as human blood or water from body washes. Margolles lives and works in Mexico City.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 2004: Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2005: Guggenheim Museum, New York
  • 2008: Kunsthalle Krems, Krems
  • 2009: Biennale di Venezia (Mexican Pavilion), Venice
  • 2010: Margolies, Teresa. Frontera, Fridericianum, Kassel