Terra rossa (soil)

Terra Rossa is a - as frequently more appropriate in the Mediterranean - type of soil bright red in color. Although low in humus, which is also referred to as Kalksteinrotlehm soil with adequate water supply is relatively fertile.

Origin and composition

The responsible for this soil soil-forming processes were usually already in the Tertiary before max. 15 million years instead and consisted mainly of leaching of carbonates contained in the source rock with simultaneous concentration of the iron content, thus the red color came about. It is believed that this process represents the final stage of soil formation of rendzina.

Recent mineralogical and chemical analyzes of the origin of Terra Rossa in the Mediterranean, however, facing the entry of red mineral dust from the Sahara and Sahel region, which took place 12000-25000 years. Thus, the soil type would be significantly younger and the previously discussed soil formation processes may be involved would be extended by a further point:

The scientific classification of soils Terrae rossae is not unique; FAO assigns the Chromic Luvisols (ie the colored Luvisolen ), while it belongs in the European Soil Science together with the soil type Terra fusca in the class terrae calcis. The class terrae calcis is, together with eg brown earth, black earth to the Department of Terrestrial soils.

Tu - - As a result of Ah horizon is called cC.

  • Ah: Towards the bottom, decreasing mineral surface horizon with little humus ( max: 10%), as it is broken down in the winter because of the lack of frost.
  • Tu: carbonate rock (limestone or dolomite) has dissolved in the rain or ground water and the impurities, clay minerals contained therein, remain and form with a content of about 50 % by weight of the main component of this horizon layer. She has a brown-red color, which is due to an enrichment with hematite ( up to> 5%).
  • CC: soil horizon of clayey residue of carbonate rocks (limestone or dolomite) enriched to over 75 % by mass Sekundärcarbonat.


The terra rossa is a pretty good floor that may be dry in summer on the surface, but because of its thickness (> 1 m ) is sufficiently deep to save even with drought enough water. Thus it is well suited because of its earthy Lehmstruktur for agriculture.

Similar soils

  • Laterite