
Testimonial ( etymologically derived from the Latin testari = testify in the German language from English testimonial = reference, diploma) is a term used in advertising and refers to the specific advocacy to increase the credibility of the advertising message for a product, a service, an idea or institution by the target group most known person. Testimonial can be a synonym for review '. In the literature usually following terms are used synonymously for Testimonial: Endorsement ( endorser / endorsee ), presenter or Spokesperson.

While in the Anglo-American literature, the term refers to the advertising message, there is an inconsistent use in which the term is used for both the testimonial advertising statement and for the advertiser in German literature. (see also advertising figure ). From personal viewpoint, you can define testimonials as "real living or deceased persons or fictional figures who advocate for a brand ." Testimonials give testimony to the power of a brand and vouch for their quality, performance, usefulness and / or value for money. Typical representatives are celebrities, experts, employees or stylized users. "

Known fictitious testimonials are in German-speaking and were the insurance agent Mr. Kaiser and Clementine.


In testimonials, the affinity or popularity and thus the credibility or confidence at a known target group person used to reinforce the advertising message for a product, a service, an institution or a conviction emotional. The application of specific features or benefits is often subordinated.

The testimonial is different application, it may replaceable consumer products help to increase reliability or arouse interest for abstract products and complicated issues. Linking people with a mark can be configured differently intensive. While usually only once -used eye-catcher not an advertised brand or influenced only to a minimal extent, a testimonial can leave a lasting mark on a long-term cooperation and the attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness. Even stronger is this effect when a fictional character or a real person in the brand logo and / or brand name finds, as is the case for example with Uncle Ben's and Mr. Clean.

Most testimonials are placed in the press, radio or television. Formal specifications do not exist; as the commitment to the product is the central message, one interview situation is often chosen. Prominent Testimonials diverse objectives. These include an increased and longer lasting devotion to the means of communication and, consequently, the achievement of better memory values ​​. In addition underpin celebrities the probative value and cause image and personality transfer effects on the brand. Care is taken that the product fits the image of the person. Testimonials with celebrities are also known as Celebrimonial ( portmanteau word from English- celebrity celebrities (r ) and English testimonial ). Testimonials from musicians are mostly regulated under endorsement contracts.


For the systematisation of testimonials a division into three groups is recommended:

Avatars or characters

With characters and avatars can be further distinguished between advertising figures with brands and proper names. The Michelin Man, for example, is named Bibendum, while the comic book character of salamander until today known as Lurchi. In addition, foreign brands can be associated with its own brand, for example, co-promotion or license transactions. Thus, the energy supplier EnBW has advertised a few years ago with the cartoon characters Tom and Jerry for my current brand.

Not celebrities performer

In contrast, little-known performers come alongside people with brands or proper names often unspecified performer used. When celebrities turn can be distinguished between known founders and / or managers and non-business celebrities. While the former are closely connected regardless of their public Markenfürsprache with the company, this is not the case with most celebrity testimonials.

Prominent representatives

Advertising with celebrities is still valid as a classic form of testimonial advertising. Their share of the TV advertising has become significantly larger in recent years, and quadrupled since the mid- 1990s. While the estimated for the U.S. numbers between 20 and 25 percent vary and starting for England for years by a constant share of about 20 percent, are relatively reliable data for Germany. According to which today prominent testimonials are seen in approximately 10 percent of all TV commercials.


Functions which can satisfy a testimonial for a brand:

  • Attention to communications ( attention)
  • Image transfer from a testimonial to the mark
  • Intensification of positioning by probative


The success of the operation depends heavily on the credibility of the testimonials used. So, for example, misconduct in private life can quickly affect the image of the advertised product. Furthermore, decreases the credibility if a testimonial for several manufacturers at the same time or at a short distance behind the other recruits. For example, Franz Beckenbauer campaigned first for E-Plus and shortly thereafter for O2. In addition, the FC Bayern Munich was the Beckenbauer temporarily presided as club president, sponsored simultaneously by Deutsche Telekom.

Conversely, the success or failure of a product can also affect the image of the active person as a testimonial. For example, Manfred Krug apologized for his appearance in numerous commercials for the T-Share the German Telekom AG after the stock was unable to meet the expectations raised.

Terms of Use

According to the wording of the German Drug Advertising Law ( HWG ), it was forbidden to change 19 October 2012 Testimonials outside experts to promote medicines, procedures, treatments, items or other means ( § 11 (1 ) 11 HWG ) ... well as medical products (§ 11 (1 ), last sentence ) to use. However, the ECJ already had this general prohibition in 2011 effectively rescinded, but not explicitly for medical devices, so that the Supreme Court had to use in the meantime in his verdict Basic Law Article 5, to justify why the wording of the HWG is not applicable. The change of the HWG meant that the blanket ban was limited to abusive, repulsive or misleading representations of representations concerning remedies outside of professional circles. Also, it was forbidden to date to advertise outside of professional circles for drugs with professional testimonials (§ 11 (1) 1 HWG ). This limitation was accounted for entirely by the 19th October 2012.
