
Tetrapyrroles are chemical compounds in the form of cyclic tetrapyrroles ( porphyrins ) as the basic structural motif of all chlorophylls and heme, a functional molecule of animal proteins such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, or cytochrome applies. Linear tetrapyrroles found in the bile pigments.

When planting metabolism of chlorophyll a magnesium atom in the ring nitrogen of the tetrapyrrole is anchored. Awarded for the discovery of the nature of chlorophyll Hans Fischer (1881-1945) 1930 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The tetrapyrrole ring forms the basic skeleton of heme, porphyrins, and all of chlorophyll.

The detection of these compounds in crude oils and slightly modified succeeded Alfred Treibs in the 1930s. Tetrapyrroles can thus be seen as a first biomarker in geological samples.
