Texas Instruments SN76477

The SN76477 is a imagined in 1978 by Texas Instruments sound chip with a wide range of applications. It is supplied in a 28 -pin DIL package.


With the SN76477, numerous sounds and noises produce music (Mini Organ, Synthesizer ), chirping birds, barking dogs, whistle, siren sounds, bells and ringing tones, steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, car, aircraft noise, gunshots, explosion sounds, etc. For sound generation used a noise generator with a downstream filter, a slower oscillator (L. O. ) and a voltage-controlled oscillator ( VCO) which can be controlled by L. O.. There is also a Anstieg-/Abfall-Steuerung, a mixer and various ways the components to be interconnected. The setting of the frequencies and times is analogous with capacitors and resistors. To control so no microcontroller is needed at the same time makes the technique used to control with a microcontroller and difficult.

A large application is in use in slot machines.
