
TeXnicCenter ( TXC ) is a free text editor for LaTeX documents under Windows.

Integrated functions among others, facilitate the structuring, formatting, and text highlighting the documents - settings that are written in LaTeX markup commands directly into the text. Nevertheless TeXnicCenter is not a WYSIWYG editor. It continues to edit only the LaTeX source, but with integrated syntax highlighting. TeXnicCenter also offers easy installation and configuration, except that an already installed LaTeX - package (eg MiKTeX ) operating systems.

TeXnicCenter is written in the programming language C . It is under the GNU General Public License ( GPL).


1999 Sven Wiegand began the development of TeXnicCenter and the end of 1999 was released the first Beta. More beta versions were published at irregular intervals, the end of 2008 there was the release candidate a first stable version.

Along with the new version, there were also new responsibilities for the project. So Tino Weinkauf is now the official administrator of the project, whereas Sven Wiegand takes over the function of the webmaster.

The next release was not until the end of 2012 with a beta version. The resulting version 2.0 Stable came out in 2013.


TeXnicCenter is a text editor program, which offers additional features for working with LaTeX and other integrated development environments for other languages ​​comparable. It keeps LaTeX modules as icons or shortcuts available so that a typing the sometimes long blocks is unnecessary (eg for mathematical symbols, text alignment, font sizes, etc.). Furthermore, a comprehensive project management services are provided and external programs, such as BibTeX or MakeIndex can be easily integrated. The compilation of the LaTeX source code in DVI, PostScript or PDF is also controlled by keyboard shortcut or icon. If errors occur, so you can jump directly into the code for errors using the mouse. TeXnicCenter supported since version 2.0 Alpha 1 Unicode for character encoding.

Cooperation with other software

The program was designed to work with the MiKTeX distribution. When you install MiKTeX is detected and automatically integrated. TeXnicCenter can also be used with other TeX distributions ( proTeXt or TeX Live). Similarly, the Adobe Reader is independently selected as a viewer for the generated PDF documents, if any.

TeXnicCenter can be set up for automated use Adobe Acrobat to display newly compiled PDF files. About so-called DDE calls the PDF files can be opened in both Acrobat and closed. The latter is necessary in order to compile the new files can.

With the Sumatra PDF viewer, the realization of the so-called "forward / inverse search" is possible. It can be specifically bound by a position in the source code to the corresponding position in the pdf output. In the reverse direction, the navigation of a PDF document to the appropriate location in the source code is possible.
