
It was developed by the American mathematics professor Richard Koch. TeXShop has been created and benefited from the native PDF support of the Macintosh operating system specifically for Aqua ( user interface of OS X). From Mitsuhiro Shishikura it was expanded to include the ability to apply mathematical expressions directly in Keynote presentations.

TeXShop requires an existing TeX installation. The Editor is part of MacTeX.

The introduction of TeXShop has triggered a real TeX boom among Macintosh users. The program has been successful because of its user interface from Apple in 2002 for TeXShop 1:19 with a price, the Apple Design Award. TeXShop allows, with the help of pdfsync.sty by pressing the Command key and click between the PDF preview and the corresponding location in the source code jump back and forth. Since TeXShop 1:35 that also works with multi-part documents, which are joined together using \ include.

The version number has been extended to 1:35 TeXShop XeTeX support. Since the Tiger version TeXShop is also without pdfsync.sty able between Source and Preview jump back and forth. The program uses the search function of Tiger.
