
TextPad is a commercial text editor for Windows operating systems. It is used for creating simple text files as well as for writing program code and HTML files.


TextPad has, over the supplied Windows Notepad editor, the following functions:

  • Find and Replace with regular expressions and in all open documents
  • Find in Files
  • Comparing similar text files
  • Editing column blocks
  • Create simple macros for repetitive actions
  • Text blocks, which you can also expand or redefine
  • Syntax highlighting for various languages; here, both the syntax and scope expanded to add additional languages ​​.
  • Clipboard history in which all the texts that you had in your Windows clipboard is stored and can be added by clicking in the open text box. The clipboard history can be found on the list of the text blocks, it is therefore technically a dynamically generated list of text modules.
  • Integration of external programs like Java compiler, code formatter, web browser
  • All available commands can be accessed with user-defined shortcuts

For programs that call specifically Notepad.exe, an approximately two kilobytes large Notepad.exe replacement that forwards all requests to TextPad exists. It is possible to use as the default TextPad editor.
