
Graphic representation of Askeptosaurus

The Thalattosauria are extinct aquatic reptiles living diapside who lived from the mid- to Upper Triassic in Europe, Asia and North America.

Fossils of animals were found first on Monte San Giorgio in the Swiss canton of Ticino and in Hosselkus limestone in northern California. Later findings from British Columbia, Nevada and China were known.

The Thalattosauria were about a meter long, Askeptosaurus, the largest species, reaching a length of 2.5 meters.

The systematic position of the Thalattosauria is uncertain. They probably are close to the Archosauromorpha, but have split off early from them.

  • Thalattosauria Askeptosauroidea Miodentosaurus
  • Endennasaurus
  • Askeptosauridae Anshunsaurus
  • Askeptosaurus
  • Nectosaurus
  • Xinpusaurus
  • Agkistrognathus
  • Paralonectes
  • Thalattosaurus
  • Claraziidae Clarazia
  • Hescheleria