
Thalysia (Greek Θαλύσια, after Thallo, bloom ' ) was a harvest festival that was celebrated in honor of the goddess Demeter in ancient Greece.


In the great age of the festival has its mention out already in Homer. In the Iliad, it is a feast in honor of all the gods, but the Oineus forgets his sacrifice, the goddess Artemis, the Calydonian boar can then devastate the country.

The third Idyll of Theocritus plays on the day of Thalysia on the island of Kos. For him, the festival of Demeter is dedicated. Your altar they had been heaped on the floor, on the grain for them, after completion of the field work, the tools were put into this grain pile. Next to it was a cult statue of Demeter, which held sheaves of corn and poppies. From a victim Theocritus does not speak with him the goddess is honored with a feast, are loaded to the guests and make the hard participants lie on freshly cut rushes and vines, leaves.

Otherwise, there were only isolated cases have been reports that point to the festival. Athenaeus reports that the baked from the first grain bread Thalysion ( θαλύσιον ) have been called, Nonnus of Panopolis called each first- Thalysia victims and used the word as a term for a priestess of Demeter.


Derived from this was called the vegetarian magazine Thalysia founded by Eduard Baltzer. Baltzer called " Thalysianismus " the natural lifestyle of vegetarians. After several veggie restaurants used the name. There was a dress named after and in the rational dress movement.

In Leipzig the late 1920s, Paul Grams founded a publishing house named Thalysia and publications include the Thalysia - monthly magazine and a Thalysia manual for health care.
