The Bitches

51.864166666667 - 5.3250Koordinaten: 51 ° 51 ' 51 " N, 5 ° 19 ' 30" W

The Bitches is a tidal wave in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park off the coast of Wales. Due to the tidal range occur every 12.5 hours, these waves. You can be surfed with a kayak or surfboard.


The waves arise at the northern end of the strait between the island of Ramsey Iceland and the coast of Pembrokeshire Welsh county. The strait is there a little over two miles wide.

The waves

The waves are tidal waves as they normally occur in estuaries with significant tidal range. However, the Bitches arise in a strait, ie on the open sea. The tidal current is forced through a narrow strait. As a result, the flow rate increased significantly. On the rocky shores occur eddies, long partially over a kilometer. Through the rocks under water and the soil, the waves build. Stable they are only for relatively short periods before and after high water. The tidal range must be at least six and a half meters, etc. so that the waves from seven meters, the waves are stable. At full or new moon, the waves are particularly pronounced.

Sporting importance

The Bitches are an attractive focal point for water sports such as surfing or kayaking driver. They use the waves for acrobatic moves or just Surf down. Due to the location of the waves in the open sea and the partly unpredictable flow gradients, it is generally recommended only for experienced athletes. It may form swirls and rocks lie just below the water surface. In 1991 it hosted the first World Cup in canoe Rodeo, now under the name Playboating known place. World Champion was the German Jan Kellner.
