The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)

The book History of the CPSU (B ), short course is a first time published in 1938 in Russian basic course on the development of the labor movement in Russia.


In the book, a picture of the first Marxist circles and Populists in the 1880s is mediated by the October Socialist Revolution in 1917 to the establishment of socialism in Russia and the adoption of the Soviet Constitution in 1937. Facts and figures to substantiate the case put forward theses.

The book takes on - often in the form of quotes - reference to the former " socialist classics": Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin. The book is also the first time Stalin's pamphlet reprinted About Dialectical and Historical Materialism.

The book also contributed to the cult of personality around Stalin at. The book reflects a view of history, which over-emphasized the role of Stalin in the October Revolution and the following years the structure of the Soviet state. The importance of Stalin's opponents, however, will systematically denied these people even be discredited.

In the capital of the dialectic, there was only the "law of the struggle of opposites ", which also made no more "unity " and the " law of transformation of quantity into quality." The "law of the interpenetration of opposites and their folding, when taken to the extreme " and the "law of the negation of the negation " were no longer present.


The Short Course of the History of the CPSU (B ) has been prepared under editorial office of a Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU and first released on October 1, 1938 in Russian. 1939 was published by Foreign Languages ​​Press, Moscow, the first German -language edition.

The course was in the Soviet Union and after the Second World War also used in the countries of the socialist camp and in the KPD in West Germany important basis of political education and the understanding of history and into the 1950s for training purposes. By the spring of 1956 appeared alone in the GDR over a million copies. In 1980, designated the former East German Defense Minister Heinz Hoffmann the book as " an indispensable companion on the arduous journey to the heights of science."

A brief Renaissance, the work was in the time of the K- groups by 1968.


The book contains 12 chapters organized chronologically, divided into several sub-chapters. At the end of each chapter there is a brief summary that reflects the content of the previous chapter in a few pages. The division of the chapters in the book is as follows:

