The Nasobame

The nasobem ( Nasobema lyricum ), a fictional animal that accompanies advancing on his nose, is the eponymous hero of a poem of his creator Christian Morgenstern, published in the Gallows Songs:

The nasobem Falls on his nose accompanied the nasobem, accompanied by his child. It is not yet in Brehm. It is not yet in Meyer. And even in the non Brockhaus. It came out of my lyre for the first time to light. Falls on his nose ( as I said ) since, accompanied by his child, accompanied the nasobem.

The nasobem has become a classic example of the literature of how a high-spirited idea of ​​a poet's numerous writings episode has caused, because now it stands as a fictitious encyclopedia articles in Meyer and Brockhaus.

The poem inspired the famous German zoologist Gerolf Steiner ( under the pseudonym of Prof. Dr. Harald Stümpke ) to the book structure and life of the Rhinogradentia that since 1957 in several reprints in Gustav Fischer Verlag (now Oxford University Press ) was published. The Nasobeme or nasal border compacts are presented in detail in anatomy, physiology, ethology, ecology and systematics. This book is now one of the required reading for anyone zoology students.

The imaginary animal is described as follows: Species name: Nasobema procedens Mor. ( to the Rhinogradentia provided by Stümpke as Nasobēma lyricum Str ). Features: The vierhöckrige nose, on which the brown to golden brown and shy animal moves very easily, makes it unmistakable. Eyes: dark brown to night, invisible, developed ears and tail to the outside hind legs a little stronger. Height up to 80 cm (including the bumps around. 20%). Occurrence: Central Europe, at the bottom of the sea air, mainly in meadows, meadows, pastures. Become very rare ( extinct? ); an extant Nasobemschädel was released plowed at the central German bow in Rippach Valley (near the BAB 9) 2005. The last copy of his nearest relatives, the Nasobema ferox L., 1914 poached in Upper Lötschtal. Mates throughout the year, but the Hinde is always in March. The calf stands after an hour and, after a further accompany the mother, which leads it to maturity. Active at twilight. Food are mostly asphodel, but it also takes young Tatzelwürmer on. No natural enemies.

