The Open Couple

The Comedy Open Couple ( coppia aperta, quasi spalancata ) by Dario Fo and Franca Rame, which belongs to the literary genre of the tragicomedy plays in Italy and was premiered in November 1983.


The farce, which constitutes the married life is taken retrospectively from Antonia, the wife says, and is introduced with the scene in which Antonia repeatedly wants to kill because of her husband's unfaithfulness. At the beginning of the play the man Antonia persuaded to an open two-person relationship, which is initially open only to his side. The woman first tried this type of relationship to accept and remain in the role of loving mother and wife. However, since they can not handle it, suffers and is jealous, she is changing and sets new objectives. This contradicts the ideas of the man of an open relationship between two people, and he takes his life.
