The Pendragon Adventure

The Pendragon Adventure is a fantasy novel series by American author DJ MacHale.

Are told the adventures of the young Bobby Pendragon and his best friends Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwynde who set out to save the universe.

The series consists of 10 volumes, of which so far four have been translated into German: " Pendragon - The Merchant of Death", " Pendragon - The Lost City Faar ", " Pendragon - The Lord of time and Pendragon " and " The Palace of Illusions ". 2004, the first two volumes of the series came out in Ueberreuter, 2005 followed by the next two volumes. 2009 Del Rey published the paperback publishing a paperback edition, each with two double volumes.


Robert " Bobby" Pendragon, Junior High School in Stony Brook, discovered thanks to his uncle, "Uncle Press" that he is a "traveler ". A traveler can change to another time or on another planet ( " flumen "). These times and planets are called territories. All living beings and territories together result in " Halla ", the " universe ".

Bobby's uncle wants to travel with Bobby in the territory " Denduron " but disturbs his nephew canoodling with Courtney Chetwynde who is in love with him since the 4th grade. Escape -like she leaves the house and Bobby drives his uncle Press to a subway station in New York, where he met his future enemy Saint Dane for the first time. Saint Dane is trying to overthrow all territories into chaos in order to have power over Halla. After this encounter, press and Bobby flumet after Denduron where awaits him his first adventure.

Each territory is always just before the turning point, falling into chaos and Saint Dane is mostly to blame. In each territory there are a traveler (some even one of the older generation, such as earth or Cloral 1 ). The travelers all help each other and try to stop Saint Dane and the turning point to be positive. Bobby learns on the trip many skills and develops. He learns, for example, the gift of travelers that he can convince a person with willpower. Außederm he learns a lot about the different peoples, technologies, social structures, philosophies and traditions. He has to adapt in any territory of the environment in order to come closer to Saint Dane.
