The Phantom Planet

  • Dean Fredericks: Capt. Frank Chapman
  • Coleen Gray: Liara
  • Anthony Dexter: Herron
  • Francis X. Bushman: Sessom
  • Richard Weber: Lt. Ray Makonnen

The Phantom Planet is a twisted black and white science fiction film directed by William Marshall. The film has not been listed in the German-speaking countries.


The film is about the mysterious planet Rheton who has the ability to move through galaxies to escape enemies. As an emitted by the Earth spaceship lands on it, breathes astronaut Capt.. Chapman the atmosphere, which makes him shrink to the size of about 20cm. He discovers that being its present size have the planet rebuilt under the leadership of Sessom in a spaceship to get to the Solariten - to fight - big monsters that want to eat the dwarves. Chapman helps in their fight against the enemies and have to end the silent Zetha who has fallen in love with him, leave alone.


The film is in the public domain now freely viewable.
