The Pinnacles (Dorset)

Geographical location

The The Pinnacles are two pinnacles, Surf pillars on the peninsula Isle of Purbeck on the coast of the county of Dorset on the south coast of England.


The chalk pillars, The Pinnacles, are below the cliffs Ballard Point, between Studland Bay and Swanage Bay. The Pinnacles are located 2 km directly east of Studland, they are a few hundred meters south of Handfast Point and Old Harry Rocks and about five kilometers northeast of Swanage.


The sea once, washed by surf erosion, a large hole in the rocks. The resulting cavern, called Parson 's Barn, was used as a smugglers hideout. A large part has collapsed since then and has been eroded by the sea, only some spiers remained standing.

The coast and cliffs along the East Devon and Dorset on the English Channel are one of the natural wonders of the world. From Orcombe Point at Exmouth to Old Harry Rocks at Studland Bay, a 155 km long coastline, which has been declared as the first natural landscape in England by the UNESCO World Heritage Site stretches. The remnants of the cave Parson 's Barn and The Pinnacles rock needles are part of the so-called Jurassic Coast.
