The Story of the Western Wing

The West Room (traditional characters :西厢记; Abbreviation:西厢记; Pinyin: Xīxiāngjì ) is one of the most famous plays of China.

The piece was written during the Yuan dynasty by the writer Wang Shifu王实甫(ca. 1260-1336 ) and plays during the Tang Dynasty.


Theme of this popular Chinese love story is the love of the young examinees Zhang Junrui (张君瑞) and the daughter of a minister of state, Cui Yingying (崔 莺莺).

Zhang Cui Yingying Junrui and fall in love, the maid Hongniang plays an intermediary role. But their relationship seems doomed until she finally can still get married.

The play was translated into German by Vincenz Hundhausen: The West Room: A Chinese Singspiel from d 13th century. In German paraphrase by d chines. Original texts d Wang Fu Scheme u.d. Guan Han - Ching.
