The Time Wanderers

The waves drown the wind (Russian Волны гасят ветер ) is a science fiction novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. He appeared in 1985 in the original in Russian and represents the last part of the three-part Maxim Kammerer series dar.


Maxim Kammerer, who was accompanied by the books of the inhabited island and A Beetle in the Anthill through his career, is now 89 years old. In his memoirs, he looks at the events surrounding the " great revelation " back, an event that took place towards the end of the 23 century. The great revelation shocked the humanity deeply and promoted facts to light, with which no one would have expected. Above all, they finished the uncanny stagnation, at which threatens to suffocate the world of " lunch ". Kammerer, once free viewfinder, ie on the search for alien civilizations in space, later a Progressor, whose job it was to support foreign civilizations and to accompany them in their development, is active in a Commission for the Protection of the Earth. Again and again Kammerer in contact with the impact of human progress, and so the ultimate conclusion is not surprising - at least not for him, even if it is initially the only one who recognizes the situation.


The last book of Maxim Kammerer row corresponds to the philosophically sophisticated works of Strugazkis within the meaning of picnic along the way and the experiment. The reader is to be always encouraged to make yourself a picture of the scale of the events. Many circumstances and motives of action remain in the dark, or have not been conclusively established, the interested reader to bring everything for himself over. A narrative form as they know the readers of other Strugatsky books already.

Maxim Kammerer is presented in the books of the trilogy in all its aspects and values. It is also crucial to personal and professional development, Kammerer this happens. The development of the main character is also a recurring motif in the Strugatsky narratives and also the key to understanding the behavior of Kammerer.


  • Published in German language by Suhrkamp Verlag, September 1988. Fantastic library belt 206, ISBN 978-3-518-38008-6
  • Published in 1988 in the GDR with an afterword by Vladimir Gakow: The lunch of mankind. The world of the future in the Maxim Kammerer trilogy of Strugazkis. ISBN 3-360-00176-1
  • Published in 1997 the Heyne publishing the novel under the title The Wanderer. ISBN 3-453-12648-3
  • A complete version of the entire trilogy was published in 2010 the first volume of the Collected Works by Heyne Verlag, revised and supplemented, with a preface by Dmitri Gluchowski and numerous comments by Erik Simon. ISBN 978-3-453-52630-3
  • In parallel, a lover bound edition of the same edition, limited edition appears in Golkonda Verlag. ISBN 978-3-942396-06-6