The World Café

The World Café - developed by the U.S. business consultants Brown and Isaacs - is a workshop method. It is suitable for group sizes from 12 and up to 2000 participants.

Process and setting

Based on the assumption that there is collective knowledge, people should be brought together in a constructive conversation on topics that are relevant to the participants. It's about to let go in change processes as possible, many stakeholders have their say and to enable them to participation and engagement. The approach of the World cafes supports self- development and self- control, and promotes self- organization. The talks are expected to take place in a relaxed atmosphere and have to make the goal of common knowledge and the performance advantage of the group visible, so as to develop new perspectives, ways of thinking and action options. A World Café takes about 45 minutes to three hours: The participants sit at tables around the room with four to eight people. The tables are covered with white, writable paper tablecloths and pens or markers. A moderator leads per table as hosts at the beginning of the workings of a explains the process and points to the Code of Conduct, café etiquette towards. In the course of two or three different questions are processed in successive rounds of conversation 15 to 30 minutes at all tables. Between the meetings, the groups re-shuffle. Only the hosts stay the whole time at a table: you welcome new guests, summarize briefly the previous conversation and bring the discourse back into gear. The World Café closes with a reflection phase.

Development of questions

The right questions are important success factor for a World Café. Composed of a representative cross-section of expected participants - - Therefore, the development of these issues in the planning group is devoted special attention. The questions serve as an attractor. They are formulated and easy to make people curious about the dialog.

Role of host at the tables

The hosts that are to volunteer in World Café have a special meaning. Make sure that an open, clear and friendly atmosphere. The hosts remain in the default version for all dialog laps at her table and say goodbye in the transitions guests, welcome the newcomers and summarize the main ideas and key findings of the previous round together. During the conversation, they ensure that all can participate and that important thoughts, ideas and connections to all be written and drawn on the tablecloths.


World Cafés take place, etc. in international corporations, political organizations, municipalities, cities, associations. The method is particularly effective in heterogeneous, mixed groups of participants who are affected by a common theme. It is well suited to different points of view lead to a theme together to design a plan of action within a short time or produce resonance on an issue within a group.

Demarcation to the Knowledge Café

The World Café described here differs from the " neighboring" Knowledge Café: The Knowledge Café is a tool in knowledge management. It is highly structured by fixed topics courses and a set moderation. The participants usually work from all threads, so here learning and teaching are in the foreground.
